
Exceptional Whisky Craftsmanship
Discover Exceptional Whisky Craftsmanship in Four New Arrivals This Winter Whisk(e)y enthusiasts and newcomers alike, get ready to embark on a spirited exploration as I...
The Neu-romantics
I visited the Neusiedlersee DAC in September last year upon joining a press trip to this neglected corner of Austria’s Burgenland. I had zero pre-conceptions...
Alsace - small but perfectly formed
Tucked away in France’s remote north-eastern corner, you could be forgiven for missing Alsace entirely on a map of French wine regions. Just sixty miles...
Genau, Genau…
A very good friend of mine and guest at my wedding once proclaimed rather loudly to the entire Breakfast party, “Rob, this Pinot Noir is...
Risqué Germans
Risk-taking Germans – Sexy MF, brothel keepers, hip hop and graffiti artists. The world felt a much more stable, certain place when I was growing...
Weingut Karl Haidle
For a long time, Germany has been mostly known for its slender Riesling bottles with delightful off-dry styles from the Mosel or Nahe region. Of...
A Viennese vacation - Weingut Zahel
What does Austrian wine conjure up to you? Cold weather, tall bottles and grapes you can’t pronounce? (Rotgipfler I’m looking at you) At this point...
The Hidden Gem of Champagne - Côte des Bar
We think of Champagne as one region and one particularly delicious style of wine, invented by a certain monk a few centuries past. Quaffed by...
Allo Alentejo!
Alentejo, the vast region that accounts for a third of all Portugal’s land mass is having a moment. It’s had glorious moments in the past:...